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EMCHN Patient and Public Voice Volunteers


Thank you for your interest in becoming a Patient and Public Voice Volunteer.


 To apply, please follow the link below to complete the application form and a member of the Network Team will be in touch shortly. 

 You can find the necessary supporting documents under the "Why Should I?" section.


Why should I?

as a Patient and Public Voice Volunteer, you will have the opportunity to directly influence the care that our patients receive. To read the Role Description and Volunteer Agreement, please follow the button below

Supporting Documents

Ready to join us?

If you've read the supporting documents and are ready to apply, please complete the below Application Form

Application Form

Engagement Partnership


 What is the EMCHN Engagement Partnership? 

The EMCHN Engagement Partnership brings together public and patient representatives with individuals who deliver clinical CHD care and those who support the management of the service across the East Midlands Network footprint.   


 What will be the purpose of the Engagement Partnership? 

The Partnership aims to work collectively to ensure that service and quality improvements are driven by a range of views, and that the service user is at the centre of the process. 


 What will the Engagement Partnership do? 

The Partnership will bring together individuals with a common goal of ensuring that service users receive the best possible care and experiences, have a mechanism to input, communicate and be consulted with throughout service and quality improvement programmes of work. 


They aim to: 

  • provide clear patient and public engagement structures with feed-in mechanisms  
  • provide a forum for collective thinking and collaboration  
  • add value and perspective range to programmes of work  
  • enhance and improve patient experience