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Condition specific webinars for health professionals

At Tiny Tickers, one of our core activities is giving health professionals the confidence, knowledge and skills to be better able to spot heart defects during pregnancy screening, therefore improving the antenatal detection rate of congenital heart disease.

Our Head of Training, Anne Rhodes, has developed condition specific webinars to complement our other training services. These webinars examine the condition as a whole – not just antenatal detection – so are suitable for a range of health professionals.

The sessions cover the incidence of the anomaly, the cause and any associations, the anatomical abnormality, and how a diagnosis can be made either in the antenatal or the postnatal period. They go on to examine the signs and symptoms, the different treatments and surgeries available, and the prognosis.

The webinars will be presented by Anne and cardiac liaison nurse specialist, Gill McBurney. There will be the opportunity to ask questions at the end of each session.

Please note, these webinars are for health professionals only and we ask you to provide an NHS email address when signing up. Places for these webinars are strictly limited.





10/01/2023 18:30 to 10/01/2023 20:30