CLICC session 4: Aortopathies and pregnancy
ICC education: Aortopathies and pregnancy
Session 4: Co-chairs - Antonio de Marvao, Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and
Yaso Emmanuel, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Antonio de Marvao
Dr Antonio de Marvao is a MRC Chain-Florey Clinical Lecturer in Cardiology at Imperial College London, having completed his training in advanced multi-modality cardiac imaging (CT and CMR) and a Fellowship in Inherited Cardiac Conditions at the Royal Brompton Hospital, before taking up his current post as a senior fellow (ST9) in Obstetric Medicine at St Thomas’ Hospital.
His research focuses on mathematical modelling of the heart, using cardiovascular MRI and artificial intelligence techniques, to understand the genetic and physiological mechanisms that underpin cardiovascular disease. He has received national and international awards for his work developing artificial intelligence algorithms for medical imaging analysis, computer assisted diagnosis and outcome prediction.
Antonio’s clinical and academic interest is in Inherited Cardiac Conditions and Maternal Cardiology, particularly heart failure during pregnancy. He is currently on the board of the British Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and is a Medical Director for the Resuscitation Council (UK) advanced life support course.