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This one-day meeting aims to provide an overview of common congenital cardiac conditions in the neonatal and paediatric population. We will cover the basic physiology of cyanotic and acyanotic conditions and the common features of these that may present in an acute setting, and to promote understanding of the principles of management of a sick child with cardiac pathology in a district general hospital setting.

This meeting has an exciting line-up of expert speakers discussing a wide variety of paediatric cardiac conditions affecting all age groups, including those specific to neonates.

Participants will be able to:

  • Understand the physiology and pathophysiology of congenital heart diseases (CHD)
  • Understand the principles of stabilising an unwell child with a cardiac condition in a district general hospital
  • Understand the common structural and electrical abnormalities in neonates with CHD
  • Understand the cardiac manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 and PIMS-TS
  • Interpretation of a 12-lead electrocardiogram in the neonatal and paediatric population
  • Develop an awareness of the journey of a patient with CHD, and the role of a cardiac liaison nurse
  • Provide an overview of SPIN modules and sub-specialty training in paediatric cardiology

This webinar is available for on-demand viewing. The webinar recording will be available for registered delegates up to 60 days after the live webinar broadcast via Zoom. The link will be sent 24 hours after the webinar takes place. 

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Online webinar


24/11/2021 09:00 to 24/11/2021 16:40